Israeli diplomacy doing well despite war

While tension with certain countries increases, behind the scenes diplomacy continues undisturbed and only Columbia downgrades ties to consular level 

Israeli diplomatic relations were in good shape after 10 months of war although envoys called home for consultation from South Africa, Turkey, Spain, Ireland and Norway, have not returned to their posts.
Columbia remains the only country to downgrade its relationship with Israel from embassies to a consular level, and Jerusalem's diplomatic relations continue behind-the scenes, despite a cold shoulder from some countries.
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(Photo: Radad Jabara)
In fact compared to previous wars, Israel's diplomatic situation is better. However, its standing in international institutions, including the UN, has suffered.
Several countries are standing by Israel including the U.S. and Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Argentina.
However, there is a worrying trend in the UK, after the Labour Party came into power. In countries led by leftist governments, such as Spain, Ireland and Norway, Israel faces much criticism. In France, Israeli officials were concerned that far-left Jean-Luc Melenchon's party would form a government but although that has not happened, the risk of anti-Israel policies remains.
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קיר סטרמר מנהיג הלייבור נאום ניצחון ב לונדון בחירות בריטניה
קיר סטרמר מנהיג הלייבור נאום ניצחון ב לונדון בחירות בריטניה
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer
(Photo: AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
Spain, Norway, and Ireland recognized a Palestinian state in May. The following day, Foreign Minister Israel Katz ordered the recall of the three ambassadors for consultations as a diplomatic protest and to send a sharp message. Although no ambassadors have been present there in the past months, diplomacy continued. The ties with the three nations were tense before the war. The Foreign Ministry said Israel had no intention of severing relations and closing embassies and is waiting for better days to send its diplomats back.
Turkey: Israel's ambassador to Turkey, Irit Lillian, was recalled to Israel after October 7 due to security reasons. Following remarks by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, former foreign minister Eli Cohen announced Lillian would be recalled for consultations.
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הדגל בשגרירות טורקיה בישראל הורד לחצי התורן
הדגל בשגרירות טורקיה בישראל הורד לחצי התורן
Turkish embassy in Israel
(Photo: Dana Kopel)
Since then, only a diplomatic team has been sent to Turkey. The Turks recalled their ambassador to Israel for consultations, and he has been stationed in Ankara since. Both Lillian and the Turkish ambassador continue to manage relations behind the scenes and maintain contact.
Colombia: This country has likely taken the harshest action against Israel. Colombian President Gustavo Petro, a former terrorist and extremist unexpectedly decided to sever relations with Israel. The ban isn’t complete, however, as Colombia decided to maintain consular relations with Jerusalem.
Colombia asked the Israeli ambassador in Bogotá, Gali Dagan, to leave in a little over a month. The embassy has been operating at a reduced capacity since. Only a consular officer, a diplomatic liaison and an economic attaché remain. The Colombian ambassador to Israel was recalled to his country, and only a consular representative remains.
Bolivia: Severed relations, but no ambassadors had been appointed.
Chile: Chile's leftist president Gabriel Boric recalled his country's ambassador to Israel. Conversely, Israeli Ambassador Gil Artzieli remained in Chile and continues to work as usual.
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פדרו סנצ'ס, יונס גר סטיורה, סיימון האריס
פדרו סנצ'ס, יונס גר סטיורה, סיימון האריס
Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store
(Photo: EPA/ENRIC FONTCUBERTA, Julien Behal/Pool/ REUTERS, NTB/Erik Flaaris Johansen/ REUTERS)
Brazil: On February 9, Brazilian President Lula da Silva decided to recall his country's ambassador to Israel, Frederico Meyer. The move took place just hours after Katz reprimanded the ambassador at the Yad Vashem Museum, following Lula's comparison of Israel's actions to those of Hitler and the Nazis.
Israel's Ambassador to Brazil, Daniel Zonshine, remained in Brasília. The embassy and consulate continue to work with state governors and parliament, but their contact with Lula's administration has been blocked.
Honduras: Recalled its ambassador. Israel has an ambassador in Honduras, and the embassy is operational.
South Africa: Israel recalled its ambassador to Pretoria Eli Belotserkovsky for consultations following statements supporting Hamas and severe condemnations, as well as a lawsuit against the country at the UN's International Court of Justice in The Hague for alleged "genocide".
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 בית הדין הבינלאומי לצדק בהאג
 בית הדין הבינלאומי לצדק בהאג
International Court of Justice
(Photo: Lina Selg / ANP / AFP)
South Africa, which didn't have an ambassador in Israel previously, recalled its diplomats. Relations between the countries are very cold.
Arab countries: Since the outbreak of the war, Israel has recalled its ambassadors and diplomats from embassies in Jordan, Egypt, Morocco and Bahrain for security reasons. Israel's Ambassador to the UAE Amir Hayek continued working as usual. Since October 7, most embassies in Arab countries have returned to normal operation under strict security guidelines.
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